UEENEEE107A (UEECD0051)- Use drawings, diagrams, schedules, standards, codes and specifications

This unit covers the use of drawings, diagrams, cable schedules, standards, codes and specifications as they apply to the various electrotechnology work functions. It encompasses the rudiments for communicating with schematic, wiring and mechanical diagrams and equipment and cable/connection schedules, manuals, site and architectural drawings and plans showing the location of services, apparatus, plant and machinery and understanding the use and format of compliance standards and job specifications

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UEENEEG106A (UEEEL0023)-Terminate cables, cords and accessories for low voltage circuits

This unit covers the termination of cables and cords and their conductors at accessories and current-using devices designed to operate at voltages up to 1,000 V a.c. or 1,500 V d.c. It encompasses working safely and to standards, understanding wiring system and cable types and applications, selecting appropriate termination accessories, preparing and terminating cables and cords, terminating cables/cord conductors and ensuring completed termination complies with requirements.

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UEENEEG101A (UEEEL0021 & UEEEL0019)- Solve problems in electromagnetic devices and related circuits

This unit covers determining correct operation of electromagnetic devices and related circuits and providing solutions as they apply to electrical installations and equipment. It encompasses working safely, power circuit problems solving processes, including the use of voltage, current and resistance measuring devices, providing solutions derived from measurements and calculations to predictable problems in electromagnetic devices and related circuits.

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UEENEEK142A (UEERE0001)- Apply environmental and sustainable procedures in the energy sector

This competency standard unit requires the worker to undertake methods of work practice that minimises energy and material usage and to seek energy reduction strategies in the energy sector workplace. The unit seeks to minimise negative impacts on the environment.

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